Ceylon Blue Sapphire should not be compared with other origins such as African, Australian etc. Price of Ceylon Blue Sapphires are always more Expensive.
*Prior to contacting us to place an order read our price list well & understand our Prices per Carat. Please do not write to us asking prices, we have already posted our pricing for Ceylon Natural Blue Sapphire in this page. If you’re ready to purchase a Ceylon Blue Sapphire, you need to pay the right price to get the right stone[Corn flower Blue Sapphire] if you’re looking anything cheaper please try other gem dealers who could get you cheap in other origins
We Sell Natural Sapphires & Ceylon Blue Sapphires at “Gem-Cutters Price”. We do not keep Larger stocks of Sapphires always in our inventory because it sells Fast as Hot-cakes. As you know Fine Quality Gems are hard to find in today’s Market. All our Sapphires are Graded by 4C’s, Color, Clarity, Carat & Cut. None of our Sapphires are Color Enhanced by any treatments.
Buy Natural Blue Sapphire’s with Natural Birth-Mark [Natural Inclusion], this way you’re safe & you could prove It’s a Natural Sapphire without a shade of doubt [Separate Natural Sapphire from Synthetic Sapphires].
Today’s Market there are plenty of Synthetic Sapphire Sold as Natural Blue Sapphires. The technology of Producing Synthetic Sapphires(Corundum) has developed a lot to the point even Gemologist themselves have hard time in identifying them from Natural Gems and it has become a challenge full task for all Gemology Communities.
We would always encourage and suggest all my dearest Customers to seek & buy NATURAL Sapphire’s with a Natural Birth Mark (Natural Inclusions) that does not effect the Beauty or the durability of the Stone. These type of inclusion are noticeable under 10X Power lens.
O.40 Carats – 1.00 Carats
PRICE: $100 Per Carat
What is Gem Cutters price?
Customers always pay the Price of Retail .If you buy from us [Gem Cutter] you are avoiding all the profit mark-ups of Gem Dealers, Jewelers and Retail Jewelry Store. You will be purchasing Sapphires at the price of Gem-cutter (at low cost). Gem-cutters always buy Sapphire rough directly from the gem miners and cut them and bring life.
Let me give you an example: If Gem-cutter Sell’s a Sapphire for $500, Gem Dealer will try to sell with his profit mark-up for $1000 or more to a Jeweler. Jeweler will put his Profit Mark-up on top of it for $1500 or more final seller “Retail Outlets (Jewelry Store ) will put their profit Mark-up for $2000 or more for the stone. Finally you end up paying for $500 stone in Thousands.
Therefore you need to consider all these facts before purchasing a gemstone. There are so many Sapphire Dealers in the Market in our part of the World & in neighboring Countries, none of them have the knowledge of Grading the SAPPHIRE properly and Quoting the right Price for its Grade. Every body want’s to get the Top Dollar even for low Grade Sapphires. This is another confusing matter, most of the Westerners or foreigners don’t understand the full extent of it. They pay the top $ & buy Cheap Grade Sapphires .Finally the end-up with Poor Grade Sapphire for High-Price.
We could find you a stone but YOU NEED to Let us know how much you are willing to spend on the stone (your $ Budget). Based upon Your budget will have to find a stone which would meet the Quality (COLOR GRADE: A, AA, AAA, AAA+) and Carat Weight for your Budgeted price, (PLEASE check Our Sapphire Price List Above & Get An Idea Before Giving Us Your budget)
if you’re looking to purchase Ceylon Blue Sapphire at cheap price like other origins of Sapphires from other part of the world. its not possible, because Presently Sapphires are having High demand in Sri Lanka Market for tourism, beside world Market. Further do not compare the Price of Ceylon Blue Sapphire (Corn-Flower Blue) with other Origins of Sapphires which is sold cheap in the World Market. Other origins are readily available in the world Market but NOT Ceylon Blue Sapphire or Kashmir Blue Sapphire.
Based upon your firm & solid commitment will go around and search for a stone in our Local areas for you, after putting our valuable time and effort, in case if you don’t agree on the price for the size of stone and grade. Will end up loosing Money on our Services. Therefore we expect from you the amount you’re willing to spend on the stone in order for us to move forward. Once we both come to an agreement with the Price, Grade, Clarity, along with terms & condition, Upon receipt of the payment will process your Order.
PLEASE NOTE* We do not have a refund policy but we do offer replacement for the stone you purchased from our available stock or buy you the stone from our local market (Gem miners etc) and replace the stone for you. You need to pay the difference on price for the replacement stone if it exceeds the value.
If you do not return the stone you purchased within given time your purchase will be consider to be final and no refund or no replacement.
Certain stones if we buy on behalf ( custom-orders ), we can not return or replace because we buy the rough stone from the sapphire mine’s & custom cut them for you. We can not go back to the rough miner to return the stone and refund the money back.